In home studios we use microphones that are very sensitive and they can :hear: everything is front of them. The most common microphone we all use in home studio is large diaphragm microphone. It doesn’t matter if it’s condenser or dynamic microphone.
If you are just starting out, all you need is one microphone and I would suggest a large diaphragm condenser microphone. These microphones are called cardioid ,because as you can see in the diagram below ,the area where this microphone can hear everything we want to record has the shape of a heart. You have the option to record from different angle so you can have better performances of your vocals or your instruments.
As I told you today we are talking and using a large diaphragm cardioid condenser microphone. The issue is to learn how to use your microphone right and get the most of it, so you can get better results to your recordings and why not to you mixes later? And please don’t tell me that your microphone is an inexpensive one. It really doesn’t make a difference. I ‘ll talk to you for this topic to another upcoming post.
Microphones have the ability to capture everything is in the “listening”area as I call it. The distance between the microphone and the sound source has significant role in the performance of an instrument or vocal. For example if you want to get more bass you can come closer to the microphone either it’s your voice or your instrument. If you are too close to the mic you get a bass, beefy recording. If you want to achieve the opposite, all you have to do is to take a step back until you get the desired result.
The most common way to record vocals or an acoustic guitar is to place the microphone right in front of you and sing, right? So simple, so easy! What if you are not pleased with the result? You have to change something and that may be is your microphone’s angle. Yes.You can turn your microphone left or right .You can experiment with the mic placement so you can have the best sound for your recording. Let’s say , you are recording an acoustic guitar. You have placed the microphone right in front of the guitar’s hole but it doesn’t sound like you want to. All you have to do is to turn your microphone left or right. Change the angle from your microphone and you’ll see that the whole sound changes. It’s like you have an EQ and adjust the frequencies. Another way to get a better recording with your microphone is moving around your instrument or your voice until you get the best result. You can practice as long as you want. You have to learn your microphone inside out.
As I told you earlier , large diaphragm microphones have a specific “listening” area.There are lots of microphones where you can record from back and from the side. The specific type of microphones “listen” from the front side. Your home studio is a non-acoustic treated place.You have set up your studio in your living room or even in a spare room in your house.That means you have windows,doors and many noises coming from outside. To eliminate these sounds ,you can use the back of your microphone. Amazing,isn’t it? If you have a window near to your microphone , turn the back of your microphone to the window. If your microphone is near to your computer turn the back of your microphone facing your pc,so you can avoid fan noises. If you practice you will get better sounding recordings.
I hope all these are helpful to you.Leave your comments below and let me know if you applied these to your microphone and what did you get of these.