Creation.always starts from an idea. This idea needs a procedure until you have a song to the level you want to be and share it to the world. Today we are going to talk.about this procedure and it’s stages until you have your sing ready.
The first stage is preproduction. This stage includes songwriting. You have some lyrics and you have to put some music on them or you have a nice melody and you have to fill.it with nice words so.you.can.have at the end a.very nice song. The next thing you can do is to think some ideas about the arrangement if the song. You can write down your ideas on which instruments you can use and when. Keep notes and everything will be more easy and you will.work faster this way. Sure you will have some new ideas while you record but you have better control of this whole process. You can also programme and schedule any additional recordings if you want to collaborate with musicians for your songs.
The next stage is production. In this.stage you have the recording phase. There is no right way to start recording. You can either start with midi or audio recording. This is up to you. Once.you have finished with your recordings you have the editing phase where you can fix some errors in your tracks. The best recordings you have,less editing is needed or mixing.
The next stage is post.production. In this stage you have mixing. Mixing is a very important and creative.procedure where you can get your music.to the level you want. After mixing, there is mastering.
The final process for having your sond ready to.distribute and ahare it to.the world.
We are.going to talk with more details for each.stage in an.upcoming post.