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Free vst instruments for your home studio

Εικόνα συγγραφέα: Evmorfos KasinakisEvmorfos Kasinakis

free vst instruments,homestudioproject,midi recording

I often get asked from friends and students about their home studio set up,especially if they are just starting out with recording. All these questions are very important and very reasonable. Another question that I hear a lot is “Where I can find some vst instruments with reliable sounds ,so we can start recording?”

This is a very important stage on songs production,because if you don’t have some basic sounds ,you can’t record your songs as you have thought to be. In every DAW there are some vst instruments that can help you start recording your own songs. It depends on the genre you are working on and if these sounds you have are the best for your project.

I don’t know if you like midi recording, but I want to inform you that you are in a home studio and you don’t have the space for recording a drum kit for example or a string ensemble. With midi recording you have limitless options to record from a bass, a full drum kit to a whole symphonic orchestra. I don’t want to talk more on how important midi recording is. You will discover its benefits through your work in your home studio.

Today, we are going to talk about free vst instruments. I did a little research in the market and I tried to find the best vst instruments with the most reliable sounds as possible. I will have the links below to download each instrument.

Let’s get started with piano. Bitsonic has created Keyzone classic. A vst instrument that has grand piano,electric piano and also Rhodes with very good sound samples

Ample Sound has two very good vst instruments , One of them is Ample Guitar M lite. Acoustic guitar with many functions. You can play arpeggio,you can play solo notes but it has a feature called strummer that has some very good rhythmic patterns that you can use in your projects.Also it has a tab with Fx where you can apply effects on your guitar such as reverb,chorus,etc.

The second vst instrument is Ample Bass M Lite. Electric bass with many options and very good samples

Now let’s talk about drums. I suggest Mt Power Drum Kit 2. A very good vst instrument with a very nice graphic interface. You can check the sounds of your drum kit using your mouse or via your midi keyboard.It also has rhythmic patterns and fills and you can apply them into your projects with drag and drop method. Very simple as that! In the link below you will find instructions how to download and install the MT Power Kit2. First you have to choose your operating system and then you must copy the two files that are in the zip file and paste them in your Vst Plug ins folder. If you have any problems with this procedure you can contact me by e mail.

Next we have DSK music that has a whole series of free vst instruments. You can visit their website and take a tour on their vst instruments. I am going to talk about DSK Overture.

A vst instrument with four slots to apply different orchestral sounds. I suggest though to apply only one or two per project because this vst instrument uses a lot of RAM ,so to avoid any problems you can export any sound to wav file and continue working with no problems at all.

The same company has the DSK Choirz. A vst instrument with not so good choirs but it’s the best on the free vst’s .

As I told you above it’s worth taking a tour and downloading some other free vst instruments. After all it’s free. These vst instruments are only available for windows.

And for last I want to present to you Kontakt Player 6 from Native Instruments. For those who already use midi recording ii am sure that you are aware of this company and their products. It has a series of many vst instruments ,samplers etc and plug ins. Kontakt Player is a sampler that you can load sound samples and use them with your midi into your projects. If you download Kontakt player 6 ,you can also download 50 instruments ,that you can use for free. Isn’t that great? All you have to do is to sign up with your e mail and follow the instructions to download and install Kontakt Player 6 and the free instruments.

HomeStudioProject is created to help you create your own songs, your own music , your dreams and share them to the world with very simple ways and techniques from your home studio. Technology gives us so many options that we have to take advantage of and create!

Leave your comments below and tell me if this post is useful for you and give me a feedback if you try one of these vst instruments!

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